Our Rights, Our Peace

Sulong Peace Inc. is a neutral and impartial organization working for the promotion of peace through human rights, international humanitarian law, peace building, and development

The organization works with peace-loving individuals, organizations, institutions, and communities committed to the upholding and advocacy of human rights, international humanitarian law, peace and development in the context of the ongoing armed conflict between the Government of the Philippines and the Communist Party of the Philippines-New Peoples Army-National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

Founded in 2006 by peace advocates, the organization has grown its partners to 147 organizations across the islands. They are national and community-based organizations representing different groups and sectors such as women, indigenous people, youth, workers, farmers, academic institutions, duty bearers, and the church.

In recent years, it has also navigated in peace and development initiatives that address economic needs of partners in conflict-affected areas.

24-27 January 2023, Davao City – Sulong Peace, in collaboration with Bayi, Inc., conducted the first course in the Indigenous Women’s Political …

15-17 November 2022. Sulong Peace, in partnership with the Philippine National Police, conducted a Custodial Officers Seminar with Police Regional Offices X …

28-30 Sept 2022. Sulong Peace conducted a training on Human Rights (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) with the officials of the …